The safe deposit vault offers protection and security you can’t get anywhere else, and at nominal cost. Safely store valuables such as bonds, stock certificates, deeds, leases, wills, naturalization papers, Social Security cards, army and pension papers, agreements, contracts, treasured documents,
jewelry, heirlooms, and more.

Size | Regular Price | Freedom 50 Price |
3 x 5” | $20.00 | $12.50 |
5 x 5” | $30.00 | $22.50 |
3 x 10” | $35.00 | $27.50 |
5 x 10” | $55.00 | $47.50 |
10 x 10” | $90.00 | $82.50 |
11 x 12” | $105.00 | $97.50 |
10 x 15” | $130.00 | $122.50 |
48 x 10”* | $400.00 | $392.50 |
All boxes are 21” deep and are available at our Main, Mountain Plaza and Glenrock offices. There is a $20 key deposit due at leasing (refundable at $10 per key up to $20). If rent is over 30 days late, a $15 late fee applies. There is a $125 drilling fee (required if both keys are lost or lease payment is more than 180 days delinquent)
Boxes feature a removable inner box for storage and transportation to booth and are under dual control for security. Privacy booth access is available anytime during lobby hours. For security, sign in is required before access can be granted.
*Available by the month at $70 for the first month and $45 for each succeeding month.
Contents of safe deposit boxes are not FDIC insured